Monday, August 5, 2019

End Game Quantum Suit - SY1320

Time to Time travel again....
It's the Lunar 7th Month, so, I'm back to haunt you all
For those that have set SY1313, this will be an "almost a repeat"
Basically, this set is using the heads from previous Avengers set with SY1313 body. But the main reason to get this set, all 8 boxes, is because of this.... Big bad Thanos boss Infinity Gauntlet with all 6 infinity stones. One can feel the power flows when assembling the gauntlet.


  1. Me envia o manual plz.... compreio o kit e nao veio manual....

    1. Hi. Sorry I cannot understand what you have written. You are asking for some information?

  2. Gaulet infiniti so amazing... but I think it will better with led

    1. It came together as an additional build with the minifigs. I have not see any brands providing LED bricks with FOC side builds.
