Space Wars. The month of A new Hope. Does this set gives a new hope to SW fans? SY637 do have quite a number of them previous SW saga characters, this set is suppose to be together with SY638 (the set with young Luke).
V Wing Pilot |
Imperial Jyn Erso (Darker hair should be better) |
Grand Admiral Thrawn during his teenage years |
Remember me? I don't look that bad in real life. |
You don't provide me my Saber? Well, I got my medal, so, I am Happy! |
This SY set somehow consist of just minifigs, like early Decool release, with simple Torso prints. Seems like this are re-release from other brand and rebranded under SY. Not much of a New Hope.
Below minifigs ares not from this SY set, this is from LeLe.
Why so sad? I just feel we'e no more famous nowadays |