Monday, December 26, 2016

Sembo LED Modular SD6700 Restaurant

Sembo first medium modular set with LED. Consist of 355pcs and comes with 2 minifigs. Design wise, just OK-lah, but the circular portion of the building do not lock too well especially at the bottom side. Somehow I find the bricks in this set is kinda loose. Also, even though this is a bigger build, but there is only one LED given. What do you think of this design from Sembo?

The arrival of my love
Let's go in my dear
Lets make a wish in this fountain
I actually own this restaurant
The night is still young
Decent modular build with a fraction of the price, hope Sembo will improve the future design.


  1. The exterior is quite okay, but Sembo should beef up the interior with a bit more detail. Even the garden can be enhance with different colored pathways instead of just greens.

    1. More details is always welcome. As previously mentioned, seems like Hsanhe is much better with details.
      I find the highest floor a bit discontinue..., open air dining is good, but it does need some shielding from rain or shine.

  2. I saw Sembo released a McD set with LED. You got it?

    1. McD with LED- rhyme huh, anyway, undecided yet, also, did not come to my place yet
