Once awhile, there will always be some Justified Lame Buy (JLB) Even though JLB is not good in details, but their makes of characters difference from other miniifigues makers make them a justifiable buy. Doraemon is a famous anime (cartoon) from Japan, and being cartoon, details are not really present, but JLB makes the mold for the different character's heads, and they really look good, not lame at all.
Nobita and cat robot Doraemon |
Ciant, Suneo, Dorami |
I did buy the girl Shizuka (Sue), but among the 6 minifigs design, she is the ugliest and does not really look like the sweet Shizuka from the anime. Anyway, JLB gave two left legs for her, so, can't finish assemble her.
My pencil topper Doraemons looks cuter - |