
Sunday, October 21, 2018

SY 1114 Plants vs Zombies

This release is more of a mini builds of the plants rather than minifigs. The minifigs is of course them zombies, but only 2 zombies out of the 8 boxes. Got to give them credit for the imagination. There is an earlier release from SY on PVZ (SY1086) which is a 10 in 1 release, where it has only 1 zombie. so I did not get it.

Somehow this new release comes in the usual small box (hence cheaper).
AAh! The upgraded lawnmower got my arm!
I am Repeater..., repeat, I am Repeater...., repeat...
Die you ugly sea plant!
Sunflower looking more like sun than flower


  1. From the picture, the zombie seems like repeated of earlier release
