
Monday, February 12, 2018

Decool Miniman - Clown series - Joker

This is a clown that many will know
Oscar Clown
Tuxedo Clown
Demon Clown
Dress Clown
Mystic Clown
Wall street clown
The names are given by Decool, not me. All have dual faces except the one with the Penguin Top hat and umbrella. Each has a different hair piece , one will know which reference they are base from. I like the one of Mystic clown.


  1. A good Joker collector set. The Mystic Clown has a special face and head piece. Too bad that Penguin top hat is not from the latest design.

    1. Yes, think Decool still do not have the new top hat mold, but at least the umbrella (ella-ella) is here. Seems like Decool is the only brand now that come out with new minifigs, SY and DLP is coming out with many repeats.

    2. What I mean is the only brand at over my area .. and new in terms of characters, (mot armed personnel). There are other like POGO, XINH and etc. which are very active in minifigs characters releases, but are not selling around my location, unless I get it online.
