
Monday, October 23, 2017

DLP 515 - Vulture Stark

"Good or bad is a matter of perspective....."
You steal my helmet, I steal your suit
Ironman Mk47 from Spiderman Homecoming with Tony Stark inside.
Iron Man Mk47 (The Good Guy?)
DLP 515A - Slight different big Iron Mech suit from previous DLP release
I remember the vulture is just an old man in a green bird suit, but the Spiderman Homecoming vulture is really different and menacing.
You stole my job. (Adrian Toomes - The villain?)
The Vulture
DLP 515B - The Vulture Exo Suit wings are Big
Combining both Stark and Toones technology....(this is what DLP meant it to be). Kinda hard to mount-fit the wing to the back of Iron Mech as the wings are kinda blocked by them arms. Somehow the wing cannot be expanded-open fully due to some design limitation from DLP
Good or bad is a matter of perspective.
“... there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” ― Michael Scott, The Necromancer

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