
Friday, May 19, 2017

SY654 King of Glory 王者荣耀

King of Glory 王者荣耀, the current favorite mobile game for my kids. Although my kids keep saying they don't really look like the game's characters, but since mainly standard minifigs pieces are used, only the printing to highlight the characters features, hence it is just up to our imagination. The characters are based on famous historical characters from the Romance of 3 Kingdoms and Demi Gods. Have loaded the game' characters for comparison, well, what do you think?

Xiang Yu Sky Light
Zhu Ge Liang
Comes with a Red Bot like minions
Big Gunner Huang Zhong
Comes together with a monkey
Qítiān Dàshèng (齊天大聖) Sun Wu Kong (Monkey King)
Great Hair
Zhao Yun
Jing Ke
Sun Bing
Comes with a book, Red Eye Balls and a Pizza

SY provide together a minions (look like Nexo Bots) for 6 of the characters except for the Monkey King and Angela.
Enjoy this King of Glory rap , this guy is brilliant. Kudos.


  1. Nice pics! Thank you. I like this set.

    There's one thing I'd like to ask you before I buy. About those Nexo bot, specifically their legs. Can each of their legs split into two parts?

    1. Thanks. Those minions (Nexo bots look alike) legs are similar to those skeletons legs, meaning can be separated from their hips (hence able to articulate forward-backward), and those "feet-boots" can be inserted and removed from the legs.
      I am looking for others brand 王者荣耀 minifigs since my kids likes them.

    2. By the way, there are many other brands coming out with the King of Glory minifigs, maybe you can benchmark them. Till now no other brands arrive to my area yet.

  2. Thanks for ur answer. I've always wondered whether the bot's upper and lower leg can separate. If can, those individual parts is quite interesting to work with.

    These days China is making more bootleg stuff but here around my shops, I see less choices. I don't know about what other brands making this theme coz I see only SY here.

    1. Ya, there are so many new players coming out. Some looks good, but since the picture is from their Ads photos, hence we do not know the actual, whether or not "What you see is what you get".
      Other brand that made this KOG-WZRY are LeLe, Dargo, Enlighten, JLB, Elephant, OBM (new) and Lepin. Too bad Lepin is not readily available for me, my kid kinda like their release. And, there may be more brands I do not know of.

    2. DLP too, even though associated with SY (their previous releases are very similar to SY), but their KOG released is totally different. Maybe they are now on their own and no more with SY.
