
Sunday, April 9, 2017

DLP9045 - Endo-Sym Armor Iron Man (etc)

For those that like Iron man without a Big Head, DLP comes out with this set. I saw these minifigs at Minifig4U site with similar pad printed head but looks better as all of the sides are printed. For DLP release, only the Endo-Sym armor is 360 degrees printed, others are just additional arm printing, but still it is a good variant. The Endo-Sym armor made its full appearance in the comic Superior Iron Man Vol 1 #1. Tony Stark is actually the bad guy in this suit.
Model 50 - Endo-Sym armor
We got some things in common, too bad we can't be in the same team, we're from a different "Universe"
Let's just concentrate to make the world a better place
Mk 36 Peacemaker
Model 8 (Mk 33) Silver Centurion
Mk32 Romeo - the Big Heart
Mk 20 Python
Mk 43
Mk17 Heartbreaker
Mk39 Starboost Armor
Even though without the Iron man helmet provided, this set has very good printing detail which I think is base on the Iron man 3 game.. The 8 in 1 build is a display stand for all the 8 minifigs making them look like they are flying in a group.


  1. Nice. Excellent printing on Iron Man minifigure.

  2. Remind me of them comic variant Iron Man (non MCUs), where the heads are drawn almost similar in appearance. During that time, they are differentiate by Model instead of Mark. Silver Centurion will just be Model 8

  3. Yes, Iron man's face seems to be smaller in old comics. Of course it will be better if DLP gave the inner face as well as the helmet, but, if there are helmets, most will just use the helmet and ignore the inner face.

    1. DLP earlier release some have this dual feature of outer helmet and inner helmet face apart form the mostly Stark face. As you said, most will just use the external face

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