
Friday, October 7, 2016

SY731# Mighty Micros

Like these cute sets. Although copied from ori-LG, but do not know why I can't seems to find the Brainiac-Cyborg set from the original wave in the internet.
SY731B Robin mobile and Bane mini killer driller
SY731D Brainiac futuristic car and Cyborg Cybernetic car
Cute minifigs (like Brainiac with his collecting jar)
Ori-Wave One release - where's Brainiac?
SY on the other hand do not have the characters from the bottom row of ori-LG wave 1 release, maybe delayed to next wave. (yep, SY releases SY732# later, with one different set of MM minifig vs. ori)


  1. I think CapA and RedSkull is also not available from SY

    1. Ya, I got the remaining set of SY MMs, there is no Cap A set. Wonder why there is difference

  2. Just saw from the net another 4 boxes MM release from SY, Cap A, Hulk, Falcon and Spidey, under SY732 series. Falcon (vs. Crossbones) seems to be the one not found in Lego

    1. Looks like a later release from SY as the serial# is 732 (a digit higher). Good for SY on releasing extra characters compare with ori. Will be some time when this set come over to my place.

  3. In actual, the vehicle are slightly different from the original.

    1. I actually did not notice since I was just concentrating on the characters featured. You are right, the vehicles are different in some parts. I did not really notice that ori Batman car do not have them wings.
      But,I wonder if ori LG comes out with those characters MOC by SY, will SY redo it again?
      Say if ori LG did not came out with these MightyM series, and bootlegos made these first, will many says bootlegos is crap by making cheap looking low details funny faced short minifigs?

  4. This is reality, when you are famous, what you do is exclusive.
    If you are a clone, even though you did better, it is still consider mediocre.
    So, even though some clones have better looking products, they will still be consider not original.
    That's the fact we 2nd class have to accept.

    1. Yes, some bootlegos do have some originality inside them
