
Monday, October 10, 2016

SY 618-# Falcon Commandos

This 8 boxes set are slightly bigger than usual. Difference are the mini builds have more piece count, and they do look good. Minifigs came with armaments and suits. Side arm and legs are printed!. Only has one expression, no hair piece provided, but a different types of hat-piece among each fig.
Notice whats inside that trap?
Big Gun power. What is he controlling with the remote and antennae?
Fish Food
there's a giant spider on the left
A broken bike
Burning wheel brrow
Quite a fire power


  1. These selling for same price as the usual ones?

    1. Nope, they always sells with higher price when the box size gets bigger (remember LeLe, Decool during their Star Wars releases).

  2. Oooh more photos. So you bought the entire set?

    There's a shop in my place that didn't charge more for this set. But yea everywhere else I saw is more expensive.

    That bicycle is nice. Lego haven't make a deep green bike yet. But the wheel is ugly imo. Original LEGO bicycles easily cost RM10 (new) in Bricklink.

    1. That's good. That broken bike suppose to be displayed as an abandoned bike with broken wheels, but due to afraid that the wheels will get lost, so I just fit it into the green frame. (will be fitting the wheel to the wheel barrow too)
      I did not get all, due to the seller did not have all 8 boxes, he has one box less. This set have identical weapons with the earlier post of SY740# set. Love these FC-army sets. As one reader puts it, this is when bootlego is not bootlego.

  3. One missing? You've got all the rest, might as well get them all for completion :)

    Do you dismantle stuff after you've blogged it? I bet it'll take quite some space to display everything you bought. Especially in assembled form.

    1. Somehow the stock did not come anymore... well, there're always other places.

      I do not dismantle them, but some of the "mini builds" and accessories (guns and swords, etc) will be missing in action here and then. It does occupied a lot of space, especially those big models, but those minifigs do take quite a lot of square feet in quantities.

    2. I can imagine. I decided long ago to take apart, put them into ziplocks, along with their flatten box and store them away. Then I realise why the hell am I buying so many minifigs (original and bootlegs) just to store them. :D

      I see some ppl make custom frames to display their minifigs. It's really nice. I will do that when I have more spare time. Perhaps a small frame to hold my absolutely favourite minifigs.

    3. Those 3D picture frame type is very nice for display.

      I don't really have many ori minifigs.... well, less than my fingers can count (not including CITY themes). I just keep them minifigs in those display boxes (Daiso). Once awhile take them out for photo play. Sometimes my kids play with them, hence pieces do get lost, and scattered. Well, bootlegoes brings back the play to Lego, right.

      Initially I do kept them boxes, but one day I decided not too. and just give them to the "old newspaper" man.

    4. Like you, I don't have many ori ones. Fingers can count. ALL of them are CITY themed ones! :D

      And I am biased towards flesh skin tones minifigs. Somehow I find the classic yellow skin a bit outdated. But thats just me lah. So you can tell how little minifigs I can actually buy. I don't mind me being so picky coz it has saved me a lot of money. :D

    5. If the minifigs is not based on actual characters (comics, movie), then I do not mind the color yellow (eg. Ninjago, CITY, Nexo). As long as the minifig depicts the color of the actual characters, it's okay. (eg the Simpsons). But I do have a classic Luke Skywalker in yellow.
      Numerically (ignore the USD currency), we buying bootlego is equivalent to some countries buying orilego. Bootlego cost around 25% of orilego in USD, but our currency is also 25% lesser (as of now)

    6. Got your message bro.
      Comparing to someone that is able to saved their pocket money from young and now able to buy expensive original stuff for them self later, I think we are morally sound.
      Society constructs guide lines on what is acceptable and what is not, but they are not absolutes.
      Enjoy your passion.
