
Saturday, August 27, 2016

LELE 39001 PokemonGO minifigs

The minifigs maker are cashing in on the Pokemon GO craze. LeLe is one of them. A 6 boxes set, but only one human character was featured with different mini pokemon builds. There are so many human characters in the Pokemon series (X and Y, Black and White, Original), why just feature Ash Ketchum in different T-shift and cap? If its just on Pokemon Go game and not the anime, then why not make a random minifigs base on those cool looking Avatars?
With your own rules, somehow the cards included make a good pokemon battle game.
You can find them roaming the streets nowadays
Brim full of Ashes
SLToy came out with the Pokemon only set as well as Ash with Pokemon set, but.....think I will stop buying SLToy, they are serious when they say - "Colors may different from picture shown".


  1. I just saw a Pokemon set of minifigs by SY at the shops today. But I can't seem to find any links online.

  2. Oh here it is ...

    1. Saw it. At least SY included some other characters and different "Poke-ball" apart from Ash. May get those different Pokemons, hopefully the main characters will not be Ash again, Serena and Misty will be a good addition. By the way, LeLe's Ash have sleeves on the arm.
