
Sunday, July 17, 2016

SY 733x Crazy Birds in Mini Racers

This set look like Angry Bird GO series, but the birds outlook are base on the movie. After assembled,  my kids pit the mini racers against each other. Stella won the race - but after a few rounds, Pig power rules. (I did not get Red, already got him in the earlier Mech series .... but scroll down...)
Stella air plane car ....
... with oars at the side?
Matilda, big wheeler
Leonard  Hell Biker
Somehow I got Red mini racer later ...
The mini racer Red is more angrier and battered (and without a banana)
Nice flexible red tubing at the front, but this part tends to harden and then break off


  1. Think LeLe has the Minifig only 8 b0x set available. You can get this set for the remaining figs, but I think you only left the pigs, maybe other variants of the birds

    1. Yes, mainly left the pigs... there is the Mighty Eagle
