
Friday, April 15, 2016

Sembo micro block - BB 8

Sembo micro block of BB 8 is quite an ingenious build with 555 pcs (too bad not 888 as in BB8) to spend your time on. What's so ingenious in this build? As we all know, any design with Lego typed bricks will mainly be "Stud up" and "Tube down". As BB 8 has a ball shaped body, the top portion and the bottom portion of the finished body design is actually a mirror image, which mean stud up and also stud down finishing. Anyway, the design also comes with a BB 8 docking platform, so, final design is still tube down in display. How they are join in the middle is really ingenious, and BB 8 is not hollow in the middle.
Ultra build storm trooper for companion

With docking station
Box size comparison vs Angry Bird series


  1. This BB8 design is nice. I saw one design in the net with more exposed Studs under a different mini brick brand.

    1. There's another retail unit under Wise Hawk, having a bigger base and a bit more piece count (40), but finishing similar to Sembo. I did saw a few custom (or retail) design BB8 with exposed studs. There's one created by Christopher Tan (www,, with over 2000 pcs. Awesome looking.
