
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

SY Clash of Clans

Sheng Yuen SY261 - Clash of Clans COC). 6 minifig set, but two of them actually are the same Barbarian character, only the face is different. For Decool, they can easily print double face for this. I know the Barbarians is the most depicted character in the COC ads, but SY, at least give him a cape or something. I don't play COC (on this day...), but I know there are many other characters to choose from. For those that want to have an army of Barbarians (just like in the game), will be pleased. For me, a bit disappointed. Even the side bricks are identical in all 6 boxes.

There ARE many Barbarians here....

(Somehow later during 2016 and 2017, I am heavily into this game after my son have stopped his craze on COC)


  1. Many thanks sir, my utmost appreciation for the hard work of your team,
    i am a regular visitor to your site indeed, i thought to, (out of courtsey) provide some suggestion and feedback of my
    very own , would be thankful if you could reply or acknowledge
    my recommendations to make this website more content oriented .

    Rana Duggal.

    1. Howdy Ranal
      Basically this blog started as just sharing the toys (and other activities) I got for my kids. Somehow my kids grow to like brick toys, hence the post are mainly on bootlegos (but still with others, occasionally). Down the road, some reader asked me to share a better picture of the minifigs for them to gauge the actual quality of the product, hence the close up photos of them minifigs. But the main obstacle of making the blog more contents oriented is on the time available for me to update the blog. My kids are also growing up, physical toys are no more their preference.

      Thanks for visiting my humble blog.
