
Saturday, January 31, 2015

SuperHero Vehicle - CapA (with Stealth Shield), Doom Sub, Wolvie, Superman and others

Sheng Yuen is coming out more SuperHero + vehicle set. The latest I bought is the new mini car set for CapA, bigger and better looking car (SY207B), and it comes with the blue -silver stealth shield. Another set is of Black Widow SY207A, look like a space station. As usual, the fitting is loose. The remaining Iron Man and Doom's sub got them a week later.
The latest SY207 A - D sets - Funny vehicle
Bigger and better looking car.from earlier release (actual set Cap A picture below)
The Cap A from this set holding the Stealth shield
Black Widow with base is not from this set. (I did not assemble her)
Got the remaining SY207C & D Iron Man and Doom's sub a week later. Sheng Yuen's vehicle's series is getting better, even the mini figures is different from earlier releases
Iron man suit may be the same (look better), but Tony Stark's face looks different
This Doom is different (and looks better) than the one in the earlier Fantastic 4 set
The brothers of Doom (new Doom (right) looks better)
Brake !Woah What is a Sub doing in the middle here
Also bought some older sets of Wolvie's SY184A and Sup's (Superman) SY184D car. Basically the old cars looks almost identical. I do not really like Sups car having the stars in front (which actually is the same Stars of the old CapA's car), SY should put that SUPER S logo, that's the trademark of Superman. Maybe initial releases SY is trying to cost down.
Wolvie's claws is on the car
Got the Hulk jeep SY189D a week later. Kinda like this Hulk vehicle.
Two mighty force on the verge of collision! (Gun on Hulk's Jeep is not included)
Look OUT son! ....SHIT! You hit Superman!

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