
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Decool Hero6 and various minifigures inc Heath Ledger Joker

Got another Hero6 toys for my boys - 10401 EVO Walker and 10412 JawBeast vs . Stormer. Simple not very big construction for the boys to play with. The walker looks incomplete, short and looks missing the lower portion, because these set is suppose to be join with another set to make a bigger robot.  JawBeast looks fine. Anyway, I got a lot of Heros part for mix and match if really need.

Also, some minifigs from Decool Superheroes series (0147 -0152) set which I have not bought previously, but only get 4 of the characters - Phoenix, Black Widow-slight difference than SY, Heath Ledger Joker and Blue Wolverine, minus Spidey and CapA. ( I got a similar Spidey and many CapAs  already). Also got the Topless JLB Wolverine (missing a claw - so JLB)
The JLB Topless Wolvie claw is not as good as Decool's blue Wolvie

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