
Sunday, November 2, 2014

SY Fantastic 4 - Fantastic Baby

Got this Fantastic 4 set (SY167) today. Been quite sometime Decool came out with F4, but I did not get it. This SY set is better. The Thing is big sized like the previous Big Hulk, with Granite patterned body (but the face is not that alike). Torch guy is great in Flame On mode (transparent). Silver surfer is "Silver". Doom is kinda let down, how come he has a sword? Most of the item comes with a so called weapon which is some "gold round stubs". What kind of weapons is these???. Those side bricks display (especially those fire guys) is Fantastic-Baby.
SY made Richard's arms and legs "longer" and the Thing BIG
These guys are HOT
Silver Surfer is Shiny, but Doom is doomed (a sword?)

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