
Sunday, August 31, 2014


When I was young, I made myself the Monopoly board game because we just do not have the money to buy an original monopoly game. Draw and color the whole board out of cardboard. Make and paint all the houses and hotels (in 3D cuboids shaped). Hand written all the chance, community chest and properties cards. Make the exact amount of money notes. Only thing we did not make is those fancy tokens.

I bought the Cuti-Cuti (Holiday-ing) Malaysia edition Monopoly game (2014 is visit Malaysia year). Today is also the National Day of Malaysia. It is fun to see the places on the board are the places I grown up in and visited. The iconic pictures (free parking, police and jail, utilities, etc.) on the board are still the same. The game play is the same - Monopoly. The only let down, they make the money value so BIG. It is just not children friendly. Why do they want to change the money denomination? (Malaysia money is so small meh?) It is much easier for the children to add 1 plus 5 plus 10 rather than 100K + 500K + 1M. Although lay dormant for > 6 months, but once the kids start to play with it, its a daily affair.

Previously I bought a cheap imitation copy of the SpongeBob Squarepants Monopoly game. The quality of the boards, cards, tokens, bank notes are lower grade due to it is an imitation copy of the original, but the outlook is the same. Maybe because of the SpongeBob characters, the kids seem to enjoy playing the Monopoly game. The money is in small value, children friendly. I like the Plankton rule game, it makes the game play duration shorter.
Different token can be used ....
But beware, although Monopoly teaches the kids the property trading world, but tempers will flare, money will tear and head will roll. Good thing I bought a cheap mock copy.
Notice Squidgy's head.... that's the "head will roll" part

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