
Monday, February 25, 2019

SY Friends

Many new accessories in this set. If you want baby minifig, it's in this set. Comes with milk bottle too.
Rapid River Banana Boat ride
Hi. Wanna play real table tennis?
Pony ride
Baby-Baby-Baby oooh!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

SY1209 Harry Potter

I thought they have already grown up....
Harry Potter and the Red Hot Dog
Hermion Granger? More like Susan Bones
Seamus Finnigan with (incomplete) Whomping Willow and Aragog the spider
Godric Gryffindor
Argus Filch - the hair printing is so out
Gellert Grindelwald with float boat and pine tree
Salazar Slytherin or evil Master Wu?
Rubeus Hagrid (see the mini Ford Anglia...)
This set comes with quite a few new mold pieces. Hagrid is the most unique of the lot, new torso, new arm, Hagrid Lantern, pink umbrella...The short coming for this set is the non-movable Short legs.
(A week later I re-watch the Harry Potter movies, and got to know more of the characters above)

SY1162 My World - My Skins

More Skins from My World. This is a 16 in 1 Fusion sets. If you want to make the scenery, then you can get all 16 boxes.

Iron Man

Is this Iron man Mk Jason? Kinda have a metal hockey mask...but I believe this is Mk 1 as only Mk1 has this face. This is the "without helmet" version of Mk 1.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Holiday mood -Decool 3374

Nope, I am not on holidays, but the retailers are due to Chinese New Year.
These minifigs are from Decol Racing Yacht set.
The gear and belt that drive the sail and rudder
Complete yacht, nice sail
The gear is still visible after assemble
This set is from Decool 3374. There are many other brands coming out this same sail boat. Lepin and SY come out similar to LG, a 2 in 1 design, but Decool only come out with one model. But, one actually can only choose to build one or the other, so, it is okay. AND, only Decool have the minifigs.